Sunstone instils good nature and allows your true self to shine through happily. It increases vitality and encourages independence and originality. The energy of sunstone reminds you of the joy in creating. Sunstone nourishes the sacral and solar plexus chakras to breed confidence, power and leadership within your being.
Rose Quartz known as the universal stone of love, encouraging deep unconditional love of self and others. Rose Quartz opens the heart at all levels to promote profound heart centred healing and bring you feelings of peace.
Hypoallergenic, waterproof gold plated stainless steel waist chain.
Rose Quartz and Sunstone beads.
Waistline measurement is adjustable.
If you would like specific measurements please get in touch via the contact us page or direct email.
In order to maintain gold lustre and shine, keep waist chain dry and free from moisturiser, perfume and oils.